Free Legal Aid

What We Do

FLAH is a project of Naveed Law Associates which is a registered N.G.O working primarily under the law firm and has been established to provide free legal aid to the families and individuals who are innocent, helpless and cannot afford to hire a lawyer for their legal problems.


At this stage, we initially assess a case whether the case has some merits and genuiness in it. For this purpose we mark a case to the relevant attorney who writes a brief of the case and eveluates it for further process. The attorney may consider the following factors;

  • whether the case is binding or persuasive.
  • the level and jurisdiction of the court.
  • the closeness of the facts to your case.
  • the closeness of the legal issues to your case.
  • the soundness of the reasoning in the case.
  • pertinent case law in reaching its decision.
  • the age of the case.

Read the case Critically

We consider whether the reasoning employed in the case is Rule-based: by establishing and applying a rule of law. Analogical: a case with similar facts should govern. Policy-based: we reach the answer on the basis that this result will be best for society at large. Narrative: the case tells a story that calls forth this result. A combination of these forms of legal reasoning.

All people are equal before the law.


In Order to get Free Legal Aid, there must be infringement of some legal or basic human right as guaranteed by the Constitution of Pakistan 1973. Seven fundamental rights were originally provided by the Constitution;

  • Right to Eguality.
  • Right to freedom.
  • Right against exploitation.
  • Right to Freedom of Religion.
  • Cultural and Educational Rights.
  • Right to own properties.
  • Right to have constitutional remedies.

Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are considered entitled: the right to life, liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equal treatment before the law, among others. ... It is typically thought that the conduct of governments and military forces must comply with these standards. The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are considered to be entitled, often held to include the rights to life, liberty, equality, and a fair trial, freedom from slavery and torture, and freedom of thought and expression.

Protecting Against Infringement

We endeavor to protect the human rights by filing petitions in the courts of law on behalf of the effectee people and to get them necessary relief by the force of law. We often arrange workshops where we speak and spread the knowlesge about the basic human rights in order to contribute our share to build a better and peaceful society.

All people are equal before the law.


Where there is no afficacious and sppedy remedy available against any sort of Human Rights infringement, and the person whose rights have been violated is so helpless and he cannot afford to hire an attorney on his behalf to fight his case or give him legal aid.. WE ARE AVIALABLE.

  • We judge the innocence and helplessness of a person needing Free Legal Aid.
  • Only deserving people who have no financial means to hire an attorney can avail our Free Services.
  • The nature of the case and the facts must be relevant and genuine as to avail this opportunity.

Law enforcement agencies are duty bound to protect a person's rights. The ignorance of the agencies lead a case to its own fate and we follow the legal standings to get a maximum relief to a person whose rights have been infringed. When a defense attorney challenges the legality of a criminal prosecution, most times the dispute is a result of procedural violations by the police.

Protecting Your Rights.

Discovery proceedings are another critical stage in a criminal case. This is when the defendant can demand that the prosecutor turn over copies of all of the evidence gathered by law enforcement. In DUI and DWI cases especially, the police reports, lab results, video recordings, and other items will likely determine whether the case settles or continues on to trial. To make informed decisions, the defendant must obtain these materials

All people are equal before the law.


Once we are satisfied that the person seeking Free Legal Aid is helpless, needy and the problem he/she is facing is genuine and he/she must get legal remedy, we assign the case to one of our area expert attorney to file the petition at relevant forum and pursue the case vigilently untill it is decided and the person gets relief as per the situation.
Naveed Law Associates are providing Free Legal Aid. The services include but not limited to:

  • Sending Legal Notices to private/Public relevant sectors to secure one's rights
  • Constitutional remedies and civil grievances
  • Family torture, maintenance of wife and kids and custody of minors
  • Pre-Arrest and Post-Arrest Bails where the accused charged malafidely etc.
  • File Petitions in High Court against Infringement of any of the fundamental / basic human rights

Historically legal aid has its roots in the right to counsel and right to a fair trial movement of the 19th-century continental European countries. "Poor man's laws" waived court fees for the poor and provided for the appointment of duty solicitors for those who could not afford to pay for a solicitor. Initially the expectation was that duty solicitors would act on a pro bono basis. In the early 20th century, many European countries had no formal approach to legal aid, and the poor relied on the charity of lawyers. Most countries went on to establish laws that provided for the payment of a moderate fee to duty solicitors.

the right to counsel and the right to a fair trial

Various rights associated with a fair trial are explicitly proclaimed in Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution, and Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights, as well as numerous other constitutions and declarations throughout the world. There is no binding international law that defines what is not a fair trial; for example, the right to a jury trial and other important procedures vary from nation to nation.

All people are equal before the law.